I was reflecting on the fact that we often hear or tell our selves “be kinder to yourself, love yourself more”. Yet it only feels like words, it feels hard to actually do and more like a bandaid that keeps falling off! I realized that if we don’t address the underlying issues of self-judgement, self-hatred, guilt, […]

I was reflecting on the fact that we often hear or tell our selves “be kinder to yourself, love yourself more”. Yet it only feels like words, it feels hard to actually do and more like a bandaid that keeps falling off! I realized that if we don’t address the underlying issues of self-judgement, self-hatred, guilt, […]

Emotional Health, personal growth, spiritual growth

What You’ll Learn From My Kitchen Tiles!

Is it Time to Change the Way We View and Heal Mental Illness?   As an occupational therapist working in an acute mental health unit I feel I am learning so much about mental illness from a holistic perspective. This learning also comes from personal experiences of dealing with my own emotional issues. Coming from […]


Changing How We View and Heal Mental Illness

Mindfulness: Being Kind to Yourself Do you wake up some days feeling stressed, sad, angry – or any other emotion that we would normally label as “bad”?  I have those types of days. We all do – if only we allow ourselves to admit it! Do you fight the feelings and beg for it to […]


Mindfulness: Being Kind to Yourself