Christmas and the holidays can bring up a lot around personal boundaries, right? Unconsciously you definitely know when boundaries are being broken – you start to feel angry, irritable, or just feel off yet you can’t put your finger on why. And it’s often when you haven’t spoken up for yourself. It is such a […]

Christmas and the holidays can bring up a lot around personal boundaries, right? Unconsciously you definitely know when boundaries are being broken – you start to feel angry, irritable, or just feel off yet you can’t put your finger on why. And it’s often when you haven’t spoken up for yourself. It is such a […]

Emotional Health, personal growth, spiritual growth, Trauma


I was reflecting on the fact that we often hear or tell our selves “be kinder to yourself, love yourself more”. Yet it only feels like words, it feels hard to actually do and more like a bandaid that keeps falling off! I realized that if we don’t address the underlying issues of self-judgement, self-hatred, guilt, […]

Emotional Health, personal growth, spiritual growth

What You’ll Learn From My Kitchen Tiles!

I am a health care professional who cares for others – yet rarely did I put my own self-care first!  So – I learnt the hard way that self-care IS important. In the past I tried to do it all and rarely asked for help. I put on a strong and happy face. I said to […]

Emotional Health, Uncategorized

What Will It Take – For You To Take Care of Yourself?

Have You Felt Guilty Today? Why is it that from the moment we wake up we feel guilty about something or the other? Many thoughts go through our head – “I should have gotten up earlier, I should have packed a better lunch, I should have finished that project for work, I should have said […]


Have You Felt Guilty Today?