Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers   For most of my life I have avoided my problems.  These are phrases I frequently said to myself, “there’s nothing wrong” and “everything is fine”.  I always said, “I’ve had a good childhood”, until I realized otherwise. I’m not saying it was a “bad” childhood, but just that […]

Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers   For most of my life I have avoided my problems.  These are phrases I frequently said to myself, “there’s nothing wrong” and “everything is fine”.  I always said, “I’ve had a good childhood”, until I realized otherwise. I’m not saying it was a “bad” childhood, but just that […]


Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers

My Sons Pain: Insights into My Own Pain.   My youngest son hurt his knee at school the other day – nothing major. Just needed a large Band-Aid and some tender, loving care. When I picked him up he told me about it, showed me the Band-Aid and continued on in his evening including playing! […]


My Sons Pain: Insights into My Own Pain.