Have You Felt Guilty Today? Why is it that from the moment we wake up we feel guilty about something or the other? Many thoughts go through our head – “I should have gotten up earlier, I should have packed a better lunch, I should have finished that project for work, I should have said […]
Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers For most of my life I have avoided my problems. These are phrases I frequently said to myself, “there’s nothing wrong” and “everything is fine”. I always said, “I’ve had a good childhood”, until I realized otherwise. I’m not saying it was a “bad” childhood, but just that […]
Mental and Emotional Wellness and Occupational Therapy In October 2015 I had the honor of co-facilitating a “Think Tank” lecture on spirituality for occupational therapy (OT) students at the University of Toronto. This experience made me reflect on my practice as an OT. I remembered I was drawn to OT because of its holistic approach […]