My intention is to share, inspire, educate and help others understand trauma. And to help others move through trauma so they can live a more meaningful life.   Let me begin by saying trauma doesn’t have to mean the Big “T” trauma e.g. war, rape etc.   Did you know that even an administrative staff […]

My intention is to share, inspire, educate and help others understand trauma. And to help others move through trauma so they can live a more meaningful life.   Let me begin by saying trauma doesn’t have to mean the Big “T” trauma e.g. war, rape etc.   Did you know that even an administrative staff […]

Emotional Health, personal growth, spiritual growth, Trauma

Bringing Awareness to Trauma

I never thought I’d leave my stable job as an occupational therapist at a local hospital. But a year and half ago I did. Partly because my body didn’t give me much of a choice. Nor did I feel I’d receive the support I needed at that time in that setting. So I moved away […]

Emotional Health, personal growth, spiritual growth, Uncategorized

What is Meaningful for You in Your Personal Growth?

I am a health care professional who cares for others – yet rarely did I put my own self-care first!  So – I learnt the hard way that self-care IS important. In the past I tried to do it all and rarely asked for help. I put on a strong and happy face. I said to […]

Emotional Health, Uncategorized

What Will It Take – For You To Take Care of Yourself?

What is Emotional Suppression? Emotional suppression is simply the avoidance of emotions. It is a coping strategy that people use with the belief that it is healthy or the right thing to do. Many people are taught to believe that they are not meant to express emotions such as sadness, anger or frustration and this […]

Emotional Health, Uncategorized

Understanding Emotional Suppression and How It Can Affect Your Body.

What Lies Beneath Your Anger? Did you know that when it comes to emotions, anger is simply the tip of the iceberg? Anger is known as a secondary emotion. In other words another emotion gives rise to anger, however we may not even be aware of that initial emotion. Think of a time when a driver on […]


What Lies Beneath Your Anger?

Allowing the Body to Heal Naturally I had some health issues recently and made the choice to not use medication as the first route for wellness. I decided to share tips that have been of benefit to me. However more importantly, these are tips that I feel are of benefit to ALL of us in our day-to-day life […]


Allowing the Body to Heal Naturally

Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers   For most of my life I have avoided my problems.  These are phrases I frequently said to myself, “there’s nothing wrong” and “everything is fine”.  I always said, “I’ve had a good childhood”, until I realized otherwise. I’m not saying it was a “bad” childhood, but just that […]


Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers

My Sons Pain: Insights into My Own Pain.   My youngest son hurt his knee at school the other day – nothing major. Just needed a large Band-Aid and some tender, loving care. When I picked him up he told me about it, showed me the Band-Aid and continued on in his evening including playing! […]


My Sons Pain: Insights into My Own Pain.

Is it Time to Change the Way We View and Heal Mental Illness?   As an occupational therapist working in an acute mental health unit I feel I am learning so much about mental illness from a holistic perspective. This learning also comes from personal experiences of dealing with my own emotional issues. Coming from […]


Changing How We View and Heal Mental Illness

What are You Doing to Take Care of Yourself?  Recently I have gained more awareness around how important it is to take care of ourselves in order to take care of or help others. “To change our world, we must first heal our own hearts”. Eileen Anglin Personally, I have found myself doing a lot of […]


Practicing Self-Care