How Confusion Brings Clarity We often resist periods of confusion in our lives. We want clarity and knowing because we feel this is where stability and safety are. Yet it is through confusion that clarity can arise. Eventually the dust settles and we can see with new eyes; things that we may not have seen […]

How Confusion Brings Clarity We often resist periods of confusion in our lives. We want clarity and knowing because we feel this is where stability and safety are. Yet it is through confusion that clarity can arise. Eventually the dust settles and we can see with new eyes; things that we may not have seen […]


How Confusion Brings Clarity

What Lies Beneath Your Anger? Did you know that when it comes to emotions, anger is simply the tip of the iceberg? Anger is known as a secondary emotion. In other words another emotion gives rise to anger, however we may not even be aware of that initial emotion. Think of a time when a driver on […]


What Lies Beneath Your Anger?

The Addiction of Being Busy Have you ever reflected on the fact that our lives seem to get busier and busier each year? Why do we feel this need to fill any empty space with something? If someone asked you to just sit and do nothing – what thoughts would pop into your head? “That […]


The Addiction of Being Busy

Have You Felt Guilty Today? Why is it that from the moment we wake up we feel guilty about something or the other? Many thoughts go through our head – “I should have gotten up earlier, I should have packed a better lunch, I should have finished that project for work, I should have said […]


Have You Felt Guilty Today?

  Brene Brown talks about vulnerability. She says, “vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation and change”. Yet why is it many of us fear being vulnerable? We see it as a weakness, that something is wrong with us. We feel judged or ashamed. Yet often it is really just our own self- judgment. Each […]


Vulnerability and Courage

Allowing the Body to Heal Naturally I had some health issues recently and made the choice to not use medication as the first route for wellness. I decided to share tips that have been of benefit to me. However more importantly, these are tips that I feel are of benefit to ALL of us in our day-to-day life […]


Allowing the Body to Heal Naturally

Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers   For most of my life I have avoided my problems.  These are phrases I frequently said to myself, “there’s nothing wrong” and “everything is fine”.  I always said, “I’ve had a good childhood”, until I realized otherwise. I’m not saying it was a “bad” childhood, but just that […]


Our Problems Also Hold Our Answers

My Sons Pain: Insights into My Own Pain.   My youngest son hurt his knee at school the other day – nothing major. Just needed a large Band-Aid and some tender, loving care. When I picked him up he told me about it, showed me the Band-Aid and continued on in his evening including playing! […]


My Sons Pain: Insights into My Own Pain.

Mental and Emotional Wellness and Occupational Therapy In October 2015 I had the honor of co-facilitating a “Think Tank” lecture on spirituality for occupational therapy (OT) students at the University of Toronto. This experience made me reflect on my practice as an OT. I remembered I was drawn to OT because of its holistic approach […]


Mental and Emotional Wellness and Occupational Therapy

How My Bell’s Palsy Showed Me What I Needed to See. Literally.   I am an occupational therapist and mom of two boys ages ten and seven. I won’t go into too much more detail about who I am but delve right into what I learnt from my the inner wisdom of my own body […]


How My Bells Palsy Showed Me What I Needed to See. Literally.