I am passionate in working with clients around emotions – emotional awareness, self-regulation and release. I also love educating clients on how emotions are our biggest unnecessary DRAIN and how it affects our physiology!! It’s all about awareness, right? Only then can we make changes. Hans Selye writes in The Stress of Life: “All stressors […]
I am passionate in working with clients around emotions – emotional awareness, self-regulation and release. I also love educating clients on how emotions are our biggest unnecessary DRAIN and how it affects our physiology!! It’s all about awareness, right? Only then can we make changes. Hans Selye writes in The Stress of Life: “All stressors […]
My intention is to share, inspire, educate and help others understand trauma. And to help others move through trauma so they can live a more meaningful life. Let me begin by saying trauma doesn’t have to mean the Big “T” trauma e.g. war, rape etc. Did you know that even an administrative staff […]
I am a health care professional who cares for others – yet rarely did I put my own self-care first! So – I learnt the hard way that self-care IS important. In the past I tried to do it all and rarely asked for help. I put on a strong and happy face. I said to […]
What is Trauma? The Trauma Centre of Australia believes that trauma is complex and can include many scenarios. They define trauma as “a psychological wound that has occurred due to a person’s perception of a stressful event” (Peter Horton CEO, 2013). Many hear the word trauma and think of horrific cases of war, physical or sexual abuse, […]